Tells the story of my home town feeling incomplete if we do not know about any characteristic in my area such as food, natural attractions and others.
First I will tell the food that characterizes the city of Pati, Central Java.

RICE AND SOTO pecan Gandul
Food that is characteristic of central Java city of starch and SOTO are NASI Gandul pecan. Both starch foods typical city or also called as the city of Mina Tani Earth has indeed been familiar with Pati and surrounding communities. In fact, later the Jakarta or outside Java was familiar with both of these foods.
First we discuss Gandul Regarding rice first. In terms of taste, the rice is almost the same as rice Gandul rawon. However, the presentation is somewhat different, the plates were used for the place we eat rice Gandul is lined with banana leaves and sauce dishes like stews that after being mixed with a concoction of spices and combined with beef valued USD 6.000/porsinya.
Soto pecan was not much different with rice Gandul. Foods with characteristic dikopyok (mix soup with rice repeatedly in the bowl), it is also interested in a lot of circles. Usually the soup is served with fried chicken. Besides it can also be enjoyed with a quail egg. A serving of pecan soup offered only Rp 2,000.
In addition to typical food flavor, Pati also offers an interesting attraction. Them as follows:
This attraction is located in the Village Sitiluhur, District Kingpin. In this place there is a reservoir of 320 ha, and at the top of the hill to enjoy the scenery in the Gorges Region Pati regency, with beautiful natural scenery such as mountains and green valleys full of coffee plants, cloves, fruits and other agricultural crops. Unfortunately the place is becoming increasingly less manicured.

Gate Majapahit heritage sites, historical relics such as the gate is made of teak wood. The place is located in the village Rendole, District Margorejo. Adjacent to tourism Spring Tirta Sani. The gate is a legacy of the kingdom of Majapahit appointed by Kebo Nyabrang as a requirement for being recognized as the Son of Sunan Muria. But after arriving in the village Rondole, Kebo Nyabrang no longer able to lift and unable to continue the journey then the gate waiting to die.

Attractions: Water Recreation has the potential aquatic or freshwater fish farming ponds. This attraction is located in the village of Talun. In this place there is also a fishing pond that serves as a means of recreation, restaurant / specialty restaurants provide fresh water fish dishes.

This attraction is located in the village of Jimbaran District Kayen. Attractions: Cave Pancur along ± 736 m providing stunning stalactites and stalaknit very beautiful. Equipped with tours teak and beautiful natural scenery.

This attraction is located in the Village district Kedumulyo Sukolilo Sights Cave with the object of 4.5 ha area has two hallways, left 100 m in length, there is an underground river and to the right of the mouth of the cave length is 50 m through out the cave

Sewu Waterfall
That's more or less the natural beauty and characteristics that are found in the town where I live Pati. Hopefully with this information can provide references for you to visit places that I that I have given on this blog. A few of my writing this, may be useful. :)